Declaration of the 11 th SAARC Summit
The Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Her
Excellency Begum Khaleda Zia; the Prime Minister of the Royal Government of
Bhutan, His Excellency Lyonpo Khandu Wangchuk; the Prime Minister of the Republic
of India, His Excellency Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee; the President of the
Republic of Maldives, His Excellency Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom; the Prime
Minister of the Kingdom of Nepal, Right Honourable Mr. Sher Bahadur Deuba; the
President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, His Excellency General Pervez
Musharraf; and the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka,
Her Excellency Mrs. Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga met at the Eleventh
Summit meeting of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
in Kathmandu, Nepal from 4 to 6 January 2002.
Regional Cooperation
1. The
Heads of State or Government reaffirmed their commitment to regional
cooperation through SAARC and underscored the importance of annual Summit
meetings in charting common strategies for the realization of the objectives
and principles set out in the Charter of the Association. Meeting for the first
time at the dawn of the new millennium, they solemnly renewed their pledge to
strengthen the Association and make it more cohesive, result oriented, and
forward looking, by adopting clearly defined programs and effective
implementation strategies in line with popular expectations. To give effect to
the shared aspirations for a more prosperous South Asia, the Leaders agreed to
the vision of a phased and planned process eventually leading to a South Asian
Economic Union.
2. The
Heads of State or Government stressed that equitable sharing of the benefits of
regional cooperation is essential to achieve and maintain a minimum acceptable
level of economic and social development in each Member State. To this end,
they expressed their commitment to a speedier process of harmonizing their
policies and practices and imbibing regional goals and strategies in their
national development programs.
3. The
Heads of State or Government expressed their firm determination to fully
benefit from the wealth of traditional wisdom, creativity and enterprise in the
region. They also pledged to enhance transparency and accountability in
governance and to encourage effective participation of the peoples and civil
societies in the formulation as well as implementation of the programs of
4. Reiterating
their resolve to promote South Asian regional identity and to strengthen
cooperation at the international level, the Heads of State or Government also
reemphasized the need to evolve common positions on issues of shared interest
at the international fora.
Cooperation in the Economic Sector
5. The
Heads of State or Government agreed to accelerate cooperation in the core areas
of trade, finance and investment to realize the goal of an integrated South
Asian economy in a step-by-step manner. They expressed their determination to
make full use of regional synergy to maximize the benefits of globalisation and
liberalization and to minimize their negative impacts on the region. While
recognizing that trade and economic expansion is closely inter-linked, the
Leaders made a commitment to widen and deepen the scope of regional networks of
activities in trade and financial matters.
6. The
Heads of State or Government noted with satisfaction the outcomes of the
successive meetings of the SAARC Commerce Ministers aimed at enlarging the
scope of cooperation in the core areas. They recognised the importance of
achieving a free trade area and reaffirmed that the treaty regime for creating
a free trade area must incorporate, inter alia, binding timeframes for freeing
trade, measures to facilitate trade and provisions to ensure an equitable
distribution of benefits of trade to all states, especially for small and least
developed countries, including mechanisms for compensation of revenue loss.
7. Recognising
the need to move quickly towards a South Asian Free Trade Area, the Heads of
State or Government directed the Council of Ministers to finalize the text of
the Draft Treaty Framework by the end of 2002. They also directed that in
moving towards the goal of SAFTA, the Member States expedite action to remove
tariff and non-tariff barriers and structural impediments to free trade. They
also instructed to conclude the meeting of the Inter Governmental Group on
Trade Liberalization for the Fourth Round of Trade Negotiations under SAPTA as
early as possible as per the decision of the Tenth SAARC Summit in Colombo.
8. The Heads
of State or Government renewed their commitment to encourage the participation
of the private sector and assured their full support for their socially
responsible economic initiatives. While welcoming the practice of holding trade
fairs in cooperation with the private sector at the regional level, they
appreciated the efforts of the SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry to
promote regional economic cooperation in the spirit of public and private
sector partnership.
9. The
Heads of State or Government also decided to instruct the Secretary-General to
facilitate the early finalization of a regionally agreed investment framework
to meet investment needs of the SAARC Member States.
10. The
Heads of State or Government recognized the immense tourism potential of South
Asia and underlined the need to take measures to promote South Asia as a common
tourist destination through joint efforts in areas such as upgrading of
infrastructure, air linkages, simplification and harmonization of
administrative procedures and training and joint marketing.
Poverty Alleviation
11. The
Heads of State or Government acknowledged that investment in poverty
alleviation programs contributes to social stability, economic progress and
overall prosperity. They were of the view that widespread and debilitating
poverty continued to be the most formidable developmental challenge for the
region. Conscious of the magnitude of poverty in the region, and recalling also
the decision of the UN Millennium Summit 2000 to reduce world poverty in half by
2015, and also recalling the commitments made at the five year review of the
World Summit for Social Development to reduce poverty through enhanced social
mobilization, the Heads of State or Government made a review of the SAARC
activities aimed at poverty alleviation and decided to reinvigorate them in the
context of the regional and global commitments to poverty reduction.
12. The
Heads of State or Government expressed their firm resolve to combat the problem
of poverty with a new sense of urgency by actively promoting the synergetic
partnership among national governments, international agencies, the private
sector, and the civil society. They reaffirmed their pledge to undertake
effective and sustained poverty alleviation programs through pro-poor growth strategies
and social as well as other policy interventions with specific sectoral
targets. The Leaders also agreed to take immediate steps for the effective
implementation of the programs for social mobilization and decentralization,
and for strengthening institution building and support mechanisms to ensure
participation of the poor, both as stake-holder and beneficiary, in governance
and the development process.
13. The
Heads of State or Government decided to undertake sustained measures to extend
rural micro-credit programs with focus on women and the disadvantaged sections
of society. They also stressed the need for widening the opportunities for
gainful employment. While highlighting the importance of promoting agriculture,
indigenous skills and small scale and cottage industries to address the
incidence of rural poverty, they decided to enhance cooperation in agricultural
research, extension and adoption. They specifically instructed that the
Technical Committees should identify programmes and activities that impact on
poverty alleviation. They urged the need to create gainful employment and
promote cooperation in vocational training.
14. The
Heads of State or Government emphasized the need to promote sharing of the best
practices and experiences among the Member States and to this end, instructed
the Secretary-General to disseminate such information to the Member States on a
regular basis. They directed the Council of Ministers to review, on a
continuous basis, the regional poverty profile to be prepared by the Secretary-General
with the assistance of the related UN agencies, nodal agencies and independent
research institutions specialized in the field.
15. In
order to ensure social stability and to protect the vulnerable sections of
population from the adverse impacts of globalisation and liberalization, the
Heads of State or Government stressed the need to enhance cooperation to create
and maintain appropriate safety nets.
16. The
Heads of State or Government agreed that a Special Session on poverty
alleviation at the Ministerial level should undertake a comprehensive review
and evaluation of the status of implementation of poverty eradication policies
and programs carried out so far, and to recommend further concrete measures to
enhance effective cooperation at the regional level to the Twelfth SAARC
Summit. They also directed the Council of Ministers to take necessary steps to
fully activate the existing three-tier mechanism for poverty alleviation.
17. The
Leaders directed the Council of Ministers to coordinate efforts to integrate
poverty alleviation programs into the development strategies of Member States.
In this context, they agreed to reconstitute the Independent South Asian
Commission on Poverty Alleviation, with Nepal as its Convener and Bangladesh as
Co-convenor, for reviewing the progress made in cooperation on poverty
alleviation and for suggesting appropriate and effective measures. They
instructed the Chairman of the Council of Ministers to seek two nominations
from each Member State by end of January 2002 to enable the convening of its
first meeting before the proposed Ministerial Meeting on Poverty Alleviation in
Pakistan in April 2002.
18. Expressing
concern at the region’s special vulnerability in the slowdown in world economy
and its negative impact on the poor and the marginalized, the Heads of State or
Government called for a supportive international environment and an enhanced
level of assistance by the international community for poverty alleviation
programs in South Asia.
Cooperation in the Social and Cultural Sector
19. The
Heads of State or Government reiterated the need for an early finalisation of
the SAARC Social Charter and instructed the Inter Governmental Expert Group to
expedite their work on the basis of the draft to be submitted by the
Secretary-General, as a working paper for its consideration and to complete the
draft framework of the Charter as early as possible for consideration at the
next meeting of the Council of Ministers. In drawing up the Charter, they also
directed the Council of Ministers to include the important areas of poverty
eradication, population stabilization, the empowerment of women, youth
mobilization, human resources development, the promotion of health and nutrition
and the protection of children as decided at the Tenth Summit.
20. The
Leaders recognized the debilitating and widespread impact of the HIV/ AIDS, TB
and other deadly communicable diseases on the population of South Asia and
stressed the need for evolving a regional strategy to combat these diseases.
The strategy should include, inter alia, culturally appropriate preventive
measures, an affordable treatment regime and should specially target the
vulnerable groups. In this regard, they felt that SAARC should collaborate with
the international organizations and civil society. They also emphasized that
the SAARC Tuberculosis Centre in Kathmandu should play a coordinating role in
the related areas.
21. In
accordance with the Colombo Declaration, the Heads of State or Government
decided to mandate the Meeting of Ministers of Cultural Affairs in Sri Lanka to
finalise the details relating to the establishment of the SAARC Cultural Centre
including its financing and to submit its report to the next session of the Council
of Ministers.
Women and Children
22. The
Heads of State or Government welcomed the signing of the SAARC Convention on
Preventing and Combating the Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution
and expressed their collective resolve to treat the trafficking in women and
children for commercial sexual exploitation as a criminal offence of a serious
nature. They also welcomed the signing of the SAARC Convention on Regional
Arrangements for the Promotion of Child Welfare in South Asia and observed that
the Convention reflected their commitment to place the child first in the
national and regional programs of the Member States. They instructed the
Secretary-General, in consultation with Member States and other specialised
agencies, to present a report on measures for the effective implementation of
the Conventions to the next meeting of the Council of Ministers.
23. The
Heads of State or Government agreed to establish, on the basis of
recommendations of the Regional Task Force responsible for the implementation
of the provisions of the SAARC Convention on Preventing and Combating
Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution, a voluntary fund with
contributions from Member States, individuals, and donor countries and agencies
for the rehabilitation and reintegration of the victims of trafficking.
24. The
Leaders recognized the need to form an autonomous advocacy group of prominent
women personalities from the Member States with a view to making
recommendations to the SAARC bodies on a broad spectrum of gender related
issues. They directed the Council of Ministers to take necessary steps to
prepare and present, for consideration at their next meeting, the Terms of
Reference for the purpose.
25. The
Heads of State or Government recognized the need to actively pursue and promote
social development through empowerment of women and to achieve their full
participation in decision making at all levels. They reaffirmed their
commitment to uplift the social status of the people, women and children in
particular, in the region and expressed their common resolve to accord the
highest priority to promoting social development through specific and targeted
programs. The Leaders directed the Council of Ministers to take necessary
measures to ensure the enjoyment by women and girl children of their inherent
potential. They also directed the Council of Ministers to constitute a Task
Force to review the status of implementation of past decisions related to the
social sector and to suggest guidelines for their effective implementation in
the future.
26. The
Leaders directed the Council of Ministers to take concrete steps to give
priority to investing in children as an effective means for poverty reduction
in the long run. Reaffirming their commitment to the Colombo Plan of Action and
the Rawalpindi Declaration and recalling the declaration of 2001 to 2010 as the
SAARC Decade of the Rights of the Child, the Heads of State or Government noted
with appreciation the South Asia High-level Meeting on Children held in
Kathmandu in May 2001. They reaffirmed their conviction that the children in
South Asia deserve urgent and focused attention to enhance the long-term and
overall progress of the countries of the region.
27. The
Heads of State or Government agreed to mobilize the necessary resources and
intensify broad based actions to achieve a set of priority goals related to
improving the status of children, such as polio eradication by 2005, protection
of children from mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS, and quality basic
education to the children within a time-bound period.
28. The
Heads of State or Government instructed the concerned Ministries of Governments
to devise appropriate strategies for raising the quality of education through
the exchange of information among the universities in the region. While
emphasizing the importance of mutual recognition of the educational
institutions, they agreed to give the necessary impetus to realize the goal of
a common regional educational standard through uniform methods of instruction
and teaching aids. They were unanimous in recognizing the benefit of
introducing SAARC in the national curricula at appropriate levels of study in
order to enhance the awareness about Association’s goals and objectives.
29. The
Heads of State or Government recognized that access to quality education was an
important element for the empowerment of all segments of society, and undertook
to develop or strengthen national strategies and action plans to ensure that
all children particularly the girl child have access to quality primary
education by 2015; and to improve levels of adult literacy by fifty percent by
eliminating gender disparities in access to education as envisaged in the Dakar
Framework for Action on Education for All adopted by the World Education Forum held
at Dakar in April 2000.
International Political and Economic Environment
30. The
Heads of State or Government reiterated their firm support for the principles
and purposes of the United Nations in order to create a just, balanced and
equitable world order. They reaffirmed their commitment to continue working
with the NAM and other like-minded countries for the reform and democratisation
of the United Nations System with a view to making it an effective and more
democratic institution for international peace, security, progress and
31. The
Heads of State or Government were of the view that stability, peace and
security in South Asia should be promoted together with efforts to improve the
global security environment. They underscored their commitment to general and
complete disarmament including nuclear disarmament on a universal basis, under
effective international control. They agreed that global non-proliferation
goals could not be achieved in the absence of progress towards nuclear
disarmament and in this context called upon all nuclear weapon states, whether
party or non-party to the NPT, to engage constructively through a transparent
and credible process of negotiations at the Conference on Disarmament. The
Leaders also recognized the linkage between disarmament and development.
32. The
Leaders emphasized the need to take appropriate measures to make international
financial institutions and the global trading regime more responsive to the
needs and concerns of the developing countries. They reiterated the call for
genuine partnership among the developed and developing countries in
international trade and finance and for the reform of the global financial
architecture with an enhanced level of resources.
33. The
Leaders also called upon the developed countries to facilitate and ensure an
unimpeded and enhanced level of market access to products from the developing,
the least developed and the land-locked countries.
34. Recognizing
the important role that trade can play in advancing the overall development of
a country, thus contributing to an equitable and sustainable world order, the
Heads of State or Government also called for an early realization of a
rule-based and non-discriminatory world trade regime. In this context, they
appreciated the positive elements of the Fourth WTO Ministerial Conference held
in Doha and called upon the developed countries to fulfill their commitments to
address the particular concerns and needs of the developing and the least
developed countries. The Leaders also instructed the forthcoming meeting of the
Committee on Economic Cooperation to devote at least half a day for discussions
on the evaluation of the decisions of the recently concluded Doha conference in
order to evolve better co-ordinated positions among the Member States on all
WTO issues. They further stressed the need to intensify coordination among the
SAARC missions in Geneva and begin the necessary preparation to advance the
common interest of the region in the Fifth WTO Ministerial conference.
35. The
Heads of State or Government noted with serious concern the adverse impact of
the shrinking Official Development Assistance (ODA) and other concessional
financial flows on developing countries in general, and the least developed
among them in particular. They further noted with concern the current trend of
the global economic slowdown and its adverse effects on these economies. Taking
into account the interdependent nature of the global economy, the Leaders urged
the developed countries to enhance the level of ODA flows to meet the
internationally agreed targets.
36. Recalling
the recommendations of the Third United Nations Conference on the Least
Developed Countries held in Brussels in May 2001 and the decisions of the
Zanzibar Declaration of July 2001, the Leaders urged the developed countries to
adopt more liberal trade and aid policies responsive to the particular needs of
the least developed countries. Referring to the forthcoming International
Conference on Financing for Development to be held in Mexico in March 2002, the
Leaders urged the international community to strengthen cooperation for
development by addressing international and systemic issues related to
financing for development in the developing and the least developed countries
in a holistic manner.
37. The
Heads of State or Government welcomed the initiative of the donor countries to
relieve the external debt burden of the Highly Indebted Poor Countries. They
urged the international donor community and financial institutions to widen the
scope and extent of debt relief initiatives to cover all those developing and
the least developed countries, which are facing developmental difficulties
particularly due to the current global recession. In the context of growing
global interdependence, they underlined the importance of forging cooperative
partnership between the developed and the developing countries to ensure
equitable benefits to all.
38. The
Heads of State or Government expressed concern over the continued violence and
bloodshed in the Middle East, and the set backs suffered by the peace process.
They reaffirmed their support for the achievement of a just, lasting and
comprehensive peace based on Security Council Resolution 242 (1967) and
Resolution 338 (1973) and the establishment of a sovereign Palestine State under
the leadership of PLO, which could coexist with its neighbours in peace,
security and harmony.
Security of Small States
39. The
Heads of State or Government recognized that due to their particular
vulnerability, small states require special measures for support from the
international community for the safeguarding of their sovereign independence
and territorial integrity. They reiterated that the real protection of small
states should be firmly rooted in the scrupulous adherence to the UN Charter,
the rule of law and the strict adherence to universally accepted principles and
norms related to sovereign rights and territorial integrity of all states,
irrespective of size. This, they stressed, should be ensured by all the
countries, either severally or collectively through the pursuit of appropriate
40. The
Heads of State or Government were convinced that terrorism, in all its forms
and manifestations, is a challenge to all states and to all of humanity, and
cannot be justified on ideological, political, religious or on any other
ground. The Leaders agreed that terrorism violates the fundamental values of
the United Nations and the SAARC Charter and constitutes one of the most
serious threats to international peace and security in the Twenty-first
41. The
Heads of State or Government emphasized the need for the urgent conclusion of a
Comprehensive Convention on Combating International Terrorism. They also
emphasized that international co-operation to combat terrorism should be
conducted in conformity with the UN Charter, international law and relevant
international conventions.
42. The
Heads of State or Government reiterated their support to the United Nations
Security Council Resolution 1373 of September 28, 2001 and affirmed their
determination to redouble efforts, collectively as well as individually, to
prevent and suppress terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including
by increased cooperation and full implementation of the relevant international
Conventions relating to terrorism to which they are parties. In this context,
they called on all states to prevent and suppress the financing of terrorist
acts by criminalizing the collection of funds for such acts and refraining from
organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in terrorist acts in states
or acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards
the commission of such acts. The Leaders reaffirmed that the fight against
terrorism in all its forms and manifestations has to be comprehensive and sustained.
43. The
Heads of State or Government were unanimous in recognizing the distinct ominous
link between terrorism, drug-trafficking, money laundering and other
trans-national crimes and emphasized the need to coordinate efforts at the
national and regional levels to strengthen the global response to this serious
challenge and threat to international security. They called upon the
international community to assist Member States of SAARC to deal effectively
with the adverse economic effects of terrorism in general and to meet the
rising insurance and security related costs in particular.
44. The
Heads of State or Government reaffirmed their commitment to SAARC Regional
Convention on Suppression of Terrorism, which, among others, recognizes the
seriousness of the problem of terrorism as it affects the security, stability,
and development of the region. They also reiterated their firm resolve to
accelerate the enactment of enabling legislation within a definite time-frame
for the full implementation of the Convention, together with strengthening of
SAARC Terrorist Offences Monitoring Desk and the SAARC Drug Offences Monitoring
Desk in an effective manner.
Report of the Group of Eminent Persons
45. The
Leaders noted with appreciation that the Report of the Group of Eminent Persons
(GEP) was an important contribution in the on-going process of introspection
into the functioning of the Association as well as in setting out a perspective
plan of action for that purpose. They endorsed the report of the Council of
Ministers on the implementation of the recommendations of the GEP Report, and
directed the Council of Ministers to undertake a review of progress in this
Enhancing Political Cooperation
46. The
Heads of State or Government reaffirmed their commitment to the promotion of
mutual trust and understanding and, recognizing that the aims of promoting
peace, stability and amity and accelerated socio-economic cooperation may best
be achieved by fostering good neighbourly relations, relieving tensions and
building confidence, agreed that a process of informal consultations would
prove useful in this regard. The Leaders further recognized that this process
would contribute to the appreciation of each other's problems and perceptions
as well as for decisive action in agreed areas of regional cooperation. They
underlined the importance of informal political consultations in promoting
mutual understanding and reinforcing the confidence building process among the
Member States.
Sub-regional Cooperation
47. The
Heads of State or Government reaffirmed the validity of the idea of encouraging
the development of specific projects relevant to the individual needs of three
or more Member States under the provisions of Articles VII and X of the SAARC
South Asian Development Fund (SADF)
48. The Heads of State or Government underlined the urgent need to make
the South Asian Development Fund operational by making utilization of the
existing funds. They also instructed the Secretary-General to submit a proposal
for seeking possible assistance from regional and international sources for the
implementation of specific regional poverty alleviation priority projects.
48. The
Heads of State or Government noted with satisfaction the growing public
awareness on the need for protecting the environment within the framework of
regional cooperation. They reiterated their call for the early and effective
implementation of the SAARC Environment Plan of Action as endorsed by the SAARC
Environment Ministers. They directed their Environment Ministers to take this
into account and come up with an agreed position in their forthcoming meeting.
49. The
Heads of State or Government also felt a strong need to devise a mechanism for
cooperation in the field of the early warning on as well as preparedness and
management of natural disasters, along with programs to promote conservation of
land and water resources.
50. The
Heads of State or Government also stressed the need to develop a cooperative
mechanism for the protection, enrichment and utilization of bio-diversity as
provided for in the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and to establish a
regional bio-diversity database with a view to providing equitable benefits to
all Member States. They also underscored the importance of protecting associated
knowledge and other indigenous intellectual manifestations for the advancement
of the region. They also directed the Council of Ministers to explore the
possibility of establishing a SAARC Seed Security Reserve to strengthen
cooperation in the field of agriculture and to protect IPRs of the seeds of the
People-to-People Contact
51. The
Heads of State or Government were unanimous in recognizing the need for further
promoting a sense of regional identity amongst the peoples of the region. The
Leaders lauded the roles played by intellectuals, professionals and eminent
persons in promoting people-to-people contacts within the region and agreed to
encourage such endeavours as a healthy sign of regional cohesion and
fraternity. In this context, they took note of the activities of the SAARCLAW
including other recognized bodies. They also took note of the First Meeting of
the Chief Election Commissioners of SAARC Countries held in Kathmandu in
February 1999 and appreciated the initiative on free and fair election. The
Leaders instructed the Secretary-General to collect on a regular basis study
reports and other relevant documents and information from the civil society on
matters relating to regional cooperation for dissemination to Member States.
Rationalization and Institutional Issues
52. The
Heads of State or Government were in agreement that the Summit and all other
meetings of SAARC needed to be made more business-like and result-oriented with
focus on programs and activities supported by informed regional inputs from the
cross-sections of the society. They directed the Chairman of the Council of
Ministers to undertake a review of the functioning and operation of SAARC
Secretariat, and to make recommendations to advance the process of
rationalisation and to make SAARC more functional and business-like, to the
next meeting of the Council of Ministers.
53. The
Heads of State or Government noted with appreciation the proposal made by Nepal
to institute a SAARC Award to honour the outstanding work of individuals and
organizations within the region in the fields of peace, development, poverty
alleviation and regional cooperation, and requested His Majesty's Government of
Nepal to submit a concept paper for consideration by the next session of the Council
of Ministers.
Date and Venue of the Twelfth Summit
54. The
Heads of State or Government welcomed with appreciation the offer of the
Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to host the Twelfth Summit
Meeting of the Heads of State or Government of the South Asian Association for
the Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in Pakistan in early 2003.
55. The
Heads of State or Government of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Pakistan
and Sri Lanka expressed their deep appreciation for the exemplary manner in
which the Right Honourable Prime Minister of Nepal conducted the proceedings of
the Eleventh SAARC Summit in his capacity as Chairperson. They also expressed
their deep gratitude for the generous hospitality extended to them by His
Majesty’s Government and people of Nepal, and for the excellent arrangements
made for the Summit.